If you’ve started the stress analysis with one question at a time, you’ve begun to reflect on “where you are” when you experience high levels of stress — as well as a bit of a focus on the people in those situations.  OR as many of my clients and workshop participants say, those people who drive you crazy!

    So what’s next? Of great relevance is: how often do you feel high levels of stress? Because all of us are under stress on a regular basis, the real issue is how often. It’s important to know that a certain amount of stress is normal.  So if stress is normal, the technical thing you’re looking for is DIS-STRESS …there’s a point at which stress is energizing and exciting and pushes us to those best levels of thinking and performing and working and living and being!  But when it goes over the edge into those high levels of intensity, (over a 5 or 6 on the zero to 10 scale), it is no longer helpful.  It causes physical, emotional, intellectual, behavioral, and spiritual dysfunction.

    Consequently, ask yourself how often you feel that stress level go over the “breaking point” so that you aren’t thinking clearly or behaving in ways that are positive and healthy.  If it’s more than a couple of times a week, it’s important to think about what you need to do next — especially if you are having any physical symptoms. Some people report thinking that perhaps their symptoms suggest they should call their doctor. IF that thought comes to you, please do it!  Physical symptoms are early warning signs from your body — trying to get your attention so you’ll take good care of yourself … Do not hesitate to get checked out if you are worried about any physical symptoms.

    Regardless, write down anything you are thinking with this question …it’s a bit like asking:  how much is too much…and finally do not compare yourself to others.  The things that make each of us feel pushed just a little too far differ widely — even with family members and close friends. You are unique so pay attention to what goes on with you. A common mistake in our assessments of ourselves is to say:  “this would never bother _____ (you fill in the blank) so why can’t I cope with it?”  This is about YOU….you are hopefully motivated to learn as much as you can about yourself and the kind of self care that heads you in the direction of living life the way you hope for……..  It IS possible….

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