Whether at the moment of A NEW YEAR IN YOUR LIFE, you are a “robust” celebrator out in the thick of crowds and cheers and music and loud horns — or a cozy up at home with family and friends person, or perhaps even quietly and happily on your own — THE NEW YEAR holds significance for most…..and thus possibly deserves REFLECTION.

    Rather than give you psychological interpretations…well at least not at first…I’m suggesting questions for reflection….

    -What is it about the FIRST day of a NEW YEAR that causes you to take a look at life–an examination– in a manner which perhaps you have not done in some time?

    -Does the “freshness” of January 1st feel like a “do over?”

    -Is the “mass energy” we hear and read about and celebrate….around resolutions and goals and new directions impactful?  As in, well, everyone is “doing it?”

    -Do you, for some reason, see a new pathway that was not obvious just yesterday simply because it’s a tradition in life for as long as you can recall?

    -Is it a time for STILLNESS? Either because you’ve identified a day that’s truly “off” from regular routine and thus have time to THINK?  Or maybe you’re just in bed with a hangover and nothing but reflection makes sense? Sorry, couldn’t resist that last sentence!

    Whether you make and actually keep resolutions or set goals you successfully follow through with, there is definitely an impact of this turning over a new year, and a new leaf! In my office I have clients who have not wanted to talk too much about the future now coming in with lists or at least bullet points to discuss about where they are headed. Consequently I take the passage into the new year seriously!  Professionally as well as personally. 

    I AM a goal setter, a list maker, a resolution person. Often I carry through. Sometimes I do not. Regardless, finding out what’s right in the foreground of my “intentions”…as well as in the BACK of my mind, is important to me. I consequently write about what I’m thinking and feeling…and I attempt to set realistic goals. One thing I’ve learned is that the goals not accomplished — fully– last year need re-examination. That just means I learn from the things left UNDONE.  And learning from them is far different from giving myself a hard time!  And that’s the basic psychology: reflect, contemplate vs engaging in thought distortions about what a failure you are.  

    This truly can be a fresh start day….and try to remember that can be said about any day in your life. The basic premise: Be realistic about this coming year. Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others. Identify things for which you are grateful. And congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished. And wish yourself a Happy New Year…see it as an opening to health and well-being.

    AND if you are in a stressful spot in life, please give yourself permission to talk to someone. You can always contact me if you have questions or need help with finding a new “start place.”  You deserve to feel better. Happy New Year…