I WOULD IF I COULD!  But after so many years of  meditating myself; and many, many years  encouraging and teaching highly stressed clients to meditate, the reality is I have a great deal of information and feedback on the numerous benefits for the “majority” of people to meditate on a regular basis.  Is it simply not for some people? Of course. And could you be one of those people for whom it is not worthwhile? Naturally. However, I suggest that before you write off the idea as boring, too much trouble, not enough time, or even a little scary —- think about, and examine, your reasons for rejecting the idea — especially if you are stressed.

    I’m a bit like an annoying broken record on this subject; however, in the past few years, the level of stress I see manifested in the lives of the people I work with seems to have escalated.  That concerns me and  simply motivates writing more about it.

    Ask yourself these questions:

    -how difficult would it be for you to find 20 minutes each day to sit quietly, uninterrupted, by yourself and get started mediating?

    -how realistic are you being in your answer to that question?

    -what is the major thing getting in the way of you deciding to learn, then meditate regularly?

    -what worries you most about the idea? — Time? Actually learning? Concern you can’t do it for some reason? Embarrassment? A bit of fear or anxiety about it? Simply not wanting to be that reflective? Fear of failure in general?

    -if I’ve totally missed your reason, take a minute and think about your personal answer to the question of how difficult would it be for you to give it a try…..

    If you read my blogs on any regular basis, you can find multiple ones where I suggest ideas and techniques for getting started.  But the most simple thing you can try right now is to see what happens when you close your eyes and sit quietly for just 5 minutes.  Time it. That will give you some data…. If it’s challenging, and it is for most people, that simply tells you techniques, lessons, or just good written instructions will help.  As I said, there are multiple ideas in my blogs. And for really, really easy, see the one minute meditation video on my website —drlindalmoore.com

    And if you think you need regular guidance for getting started search for one of the apps on your phone.  I’ve explored a few, and I think the most basic and helpful one is Headspace.  Check it out.

    If you want to read, see MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS BY JON KABAT-ZINN …. or my book, YOUR PERSONAL STRESS ANALYSIS.  I think you will find, as I did when learning so many years ago — and as my clients report — a regular practice of meditating is life changing.  Most people become more focused, relaxed and present for each day of living life fully.  And remarkably stress is more manageable.  You do deserve to feel good when you get up each morning and embrace your day.  Give it a try. And as always you can ask me any questions.  Take care of yourself.