If you are perhaps a PBS JUNKIE like me you have come across Dr. Lisa Rankin and her book, HEAL YOURSELF: MIND OVER MEDICINE

    But in case you don’t watch all the fund raising programs that are packed with all you’ve ever wanted to know about your body/nutrition/heart/digestion…. on and on, Dr. Rankin talks about the power of the brain as being the most important organ for optimal health.

    She shares excellent information ……  and she asks great questions!

    Just in case you are over run by un-read books, I’m sharing the truly good questions she asks you to contemplate.  She apparently uses these as she gathers information from new patients.  They are unusual.  At least I would have been surprised — pleasantly– to have a new patient form include the following……

    *If you could break any rule without consequences, what rule would you break?  I like this because it helps you explore the things you BELIEVE are in the way of doing things you truly want to do.  And although there are indeed many rules we must follow, it’s good to know if you are creating any in your mind/belief system…

    *Are you in a romantic relationship, and if so are you happy?  This one? Just a good thing to ask yourself at any point in time.

    *Are you in touch with your life purpose?  Many of us struggle with knowing what we are “really supposed to be doing,” so again, this is a good one to contemplate.

    *Are you stressed about money?  One possible response is “who is not?”  Regardless, see how $$ issues factor into your sense of well-being.

    *Are you spiritually connected? Some people find that the absence of some form of spiritual direction leaves them feeling disconnected in general.  It’s a good reflection.

    *What is the message of your health condition?  AND *What does your body need to heal?

    I think these last two go together.  And if you’ve read any of my three books, you have come across these concepts.  They address the issue of paying attention to what your health/body may be saying, asking, and even demanding in order to get you to focus, to act, to fully engage in self care.

    The base line:  Reflection!  Mindfulness! Paying attention!  It truly works.

    AND, Dr. Rankin’s book is totally worthwhile!


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