Like thousands of others I am deeply touched by the energy of the Pope’s visit to the United States. And it’s a multi-directional energy. It moves from the Pope to the groups he addresses and to the individuals he reaches out to touch; and then flows back from individuals and groups to him; and finally in every direction — from one person to another — within the groups that line the streets or assemble in gatherings to hear him speak.

    Perhaps it’s simply the energy that comes from unconditional love, energy, and goodness that this man demonstrates so authentically, as he reaches out with intent to connect and bless, regardless of position, race, nationality, or belief system.

    Thus the “kindness is contagious” quote takes on new and deeper meaning. Individuals are touched by his presence and energy, and then they are able to actually pass it on, to share it with others.

    There is clearly a leadership lesson here. A psychological message. And a spiritual energy. When politically divisive ideas about climate change, immigration, reaching out to help and to educate and include everyone, are spoken from a genuine heart felt place, people respond.

    Our question perhaps needs to be: How do we build on the momentum? How do we carry the simple feeling of caring and connecting into our daily lives, regardless of our religious orientation/belief system? If we don’t need to WIN or be RIGHT, we make a huge step in the direction of listening to those with differing ideas, talking across and through differences to a point of conflict resolution that benefits in any relationship we have — personal or professional.

    Perhaps more of us can try going forward with a question in the foreground of our minds: what gets in the way of me being the best person I can be?

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