A client recently declared, “I don’t have TIME to reflect!”  If you or someone you live or work with shares that sentiment, it’s truly time to examine what’s going on before even getting to the questions!

    Recent articles, research, quick TV spots are suggesting we are losing the “art” of simply doing nothing but perhaps staring out the window, day dreaming, just relaxing with OUT being attached to some tech device.  What’s the down side of always checking phones, I pad, computers? Well, other than falling flat on your face if reading and walking at the same time, or causing an accident if driving, or disrupting good sleep if reading right before bedtime, it appears that too little “mental down time” deprives the brain of the “rest and re-charge” it needs on a regular basis,  And you may have already noticed that your focus while reading something that demands close attention or carefully listening to a conversation or a presentation is somehow just “not what it once was.”

    So if you are still reading THIS and focusing, here are some questions for that illusive time for reflection.

    -First, if you assess honestly, how much time are you spending each day checking email, text messages, twitter or any other “tech form of communication?”  Start by seeing how often you check in on a device NOW in comparison to when you first STARTED using the device.  And truly be as honest as you can.  Oh, and don’t leave out TV watching.

    -What would it take to CHANGE that time dramatically?

    Now let’s go a little deeper with dreams, desires, goals……Grab a notebook and pen and write down the first things that come to you?

    -If you had one or two days off — totally to yourself with freedom (guilt free) from obligations, errands, work, what would you do? How would you spend the time?

    -What would you do if you KNEW — doubt free — that you could not fail?

    -What is the one thing that you KNOW gets in the way of making the needed changes in your life?

    -What stops you or blocks you from making that change?

    -Last — a fantasy.  Get comfortable, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and try this visualization: In an ideal life on an ideal day, what is happening?  First, see yourself waking up. What time is it? Where are you? Are you alone? With someone? What time do you get up and what do you do? Where do you live? Where do you work? What kind of work are you doing? (And if you are not working in your fantasy, what do you do?) Who is the first person you interact with? Where? What’s the day like? Where do you have lunch? Who do you work with? Play with? Volunteer with? What time do you return home? What do you do in the evening? With whom? What/where is dinner?  What time do you go to bed?  AND what does your ideal day feel like as you drift off to sleep?

    Make sure you write your thoughts down.  Every few days, read the fantasy.  See if you get new ideas/thoughts you want to add or change.  Then as you review, see if you know what gets in the way of making your fantasy a reality.  And if that feels “too big” simply see what ONE OR TWO THINGS  you actually could experiment with doing.

    The point of all these questions is to pay attention to yourself, what you are doing that you don’t want to do as well as what you truly could change if you began to focus ON making the change.  The bottom line is always self awareness.  And as always, if you have questions, let me know. Mainly, REFLECT.  AND shut down the tech devices when you can!

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